Upload PCAPs

You can upload your PCAPs that you want to analyze

From the main screen of the app, you can upload your PCAPs. You can upload multiple files at once, note however that depending on your account limits there might be a limit on how many files you can upload and on how big they can be.


Upload tagging

Only upload files that you want to share with the platform provider and other people. Files uploaded are shared with the public unless you have a subscription

Using the main site you can upload your PCAPs. Both pcapng and pcap are supported. After the PCAP is uploaded it is processed, metadata is extracted and it is indexed with a default indexer. This is done to provide the ability to search through the PCAPs quickly, do filter completion and aggregation.

The uploaded file will the be available in the pcap list and can be viewed in the analysis view.

  • Anonymous uploads are shared automatically with the public.
  • Uploads by subscribed users are private by default.

Tagging while uploading ⚡️

You can apply a tag to multiple files while you are uploading. To do this you first need to create a tag and enable upload tagging in your profile settings.

Upload tagging setting

You can then select the tag(s) before you drag and drop your PCAPs to upload to have them tagged correctly.

Upload tagging

Uploaded files will be tagged for the selected tags

PCAPs tagged after upload


The maximum file size is currently limited. Additionally you might be limited by your subscription plan (maximum uploads, maximum storage space).